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◆ Sdex.... Dear my mother. Contributor:Yeye_yyy    Quotation 

Hi sensei.

I bought the last chapter of BE. Eagerly waiting for the colorised version of the last chapter of dear my mother 2.

I wanted to ask. Will there be a Dear my mother 3?

Hitomi is your most popular character after all!
2025/01/20(Mon) 03:28:50 [ No.1144 ]

◆ Re: SDEX chap 18 (last chapter) Contributor:Yeye_yyy    Quotation 

When will the last chapter of Dear my mother be available in colour?

2024/11/10(Sun) 04:32:03 [ No.1142 ]

◆ No title Contributor:Bora    Quotation 

Hi Master nishimaki
A story with
Thé grandmother of Maria is possible?

2024/09/22(Sun) 23:23:31 [ No.1141 ]

◆ Dead or Alive/Phoenix Wright continuation Contributor:Wess    Quotation 

I'm a big fan of your work. Were you ever planning on doing any new Dead or Alive doujjns, or maybe doing another Phoenix Wright doujin?
2024/03/27(Wed) 10:19:37 [ No.1138 ]
◇ Re: Contributor:Tohru Nishimaki    Quotation 

Thank you for your message.

I will never draw new Dead or Alive doujjns, or another Phoenix Wright doujin.

Because I'm not currently interested in games.

It's also because I'm busy writing original work.
2024/04/20(Sat) 10:36:31 [ No.1140 ]

◆ No title Contributor:bora    Quotation 

hello nishimaki sensei
naomi mizuno stories is finished?
she is very interesting character
maybe a new stories?
2024/04/06(Sat) 05:44:09 [ No.1139 ]

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